
Equipment Damaged in Possible Radiation Leak

A file photo of the TMCi prototype control interface
during a calibration test.
SAN FRANCISCO - A laptop computer was damaged yesterday during a calibration test of the TMCi-0.43p prototype control interface, a device currently in development to test CiDR researcher Justyn Myers' theory of Temporal Feedback. CiDR engineers believe the damage may be a result of residual temporal radiation, as the control panel was opened to make adjustments after being used to generate a temporal rift with the large-scale temporal device known as Project Time Machine. 

The computer's RAM, or memory cards, stopped functioning shortly after the prototype control panel was opened while still connected to the computer via USB cable.

"We believe the timing of the failure and the nature of the damage points to temporal radiation," temporal dynamics engineer Jessica Lawrence said, "We have quarantined all of the affected equipment."

CiDR temporal dynamics and IT engineers ran extensive diagnostics on the damaged laptop and found unusual results.

"This is not the kind of thing you usually see in a RAM failure," IT engineer Thomas Fielding said, "I've never seen anything like it. It's like the data is only half there at random intervals." 

Temporal Radiation is a type of non-ionizing radiation, similar to microwaves, that has properties of both waves and particles and appears to exist simultaneously at different points in the multidimensional timeline. Its effects are not well understood, and this may be the first time its effects have been directly observed.

As a result of this incident, the CiDR Administrative Team is currently assembling a group of experts to more closely study temporal radiation and create new safety protocols to mitigate any future radiation exposure.